Using A Personal Alarm In A Care Home

Moving a loved-one to a care home can be a difficult decision, especially if they were previously living at home. You may have concerns about their safety in the new environment or worry about whether all of their needs are met. You may feel guilty about moving them away from their homes and independence. But, crucially, a move to a care home can be highly beneficial for many people and in many cases is able to help deliver extra independence, within a safe environment and improve the quality of care they are receiving.

The first step is to find the right care home to meet their needs and then you can begin to explore how that home is protecting your loved-one round-the-clock so you can be confident they are safe and well.

Technology’s complementary benefits for care homes

While the use of personal alarms in the home is widely known, it is less known that this innovative technology is used in social housing developments and care homes. Its role here is to add an additional level of safeguarding, monitoring residents and alerting care teams immediately should help be required. It goes without saying that carers based in care homes work tirelessly round the clock and provide face-to-face interactions and a high level of care and intervention when needed. Personal alarm technology is designed to complement this: for example fall technology to help detect and even predict falls, environmental monitoring that can help identify changes in behaviour that could signal a health issue, and alarm systems to immediately summon help in the event of a fall or accident.

Who is using Careium technology?

At the start of this year Careium was successful in being added to the Northern Housing Consortium Framework Agreement for Technology Enabled Care Services. This allows the 440+ members of the Northern Housing Consortium to easily access high-quality, technology-enabled care services for their residents.

Our reliable and responsive personal alarm service is also being used across the UK by local councils offering proactive care for social housing residents. This could include personal alarms as well as wellbeing calls to support elderly and vulnerable residents.

Contracts like this allow health & social care services to upgrade the services they can offer the elderly and vulnerable.

How are care homes using our technology and services?

Person-centred care is being delivered thanks to the use of personal alarm systems. Their use can help increase safeguarding levels, manage the risks within care homes and enable more independence for residents, while ensuring support is always just moments away. The goal is always to elevate the level of care your loved one receives and to ensure they are safe, well and thriving in their new home. Importantly, our technology is non-intrusive and doesn’t require care home residents to operate it.

The Careium way

Wellbeing is at the heart of what we do and we seek to ensure that every care home resident is offered the very highest possible level of safeguarding and care. Please speak to us to find out more about how we can support your friends and family. Call us today on 0300 333 6511.